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White House Diary Collection

Government Spending & Efficiency

President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss nondefense spending with the Budget Core Group. President Reagan participates in a meeting with members of Congress about the famine in Ethiopia. More than 4,000 people die and 200,000 are …

White House Diary Collection

Reykjavik Summit

President Reagan meets with both the President and Prime Minister of Iceland. President Reagan spends much of the day working on homework and preparing for the upcoming meetings. Israel Prime Minister Shimon Peres resigns.

White House Diary Collection

Geneva Summit

President Reagan attends a Cabinet Council meeting to prepare for the upcoming summit in Geneva. President Reagan meets with leaders of the American Red Cross. 23,000 residents of Armero, Colombia, die when a mudslide, triggered by the Nevado del …

White House Diary Collection

After The Assassination Attempt

President Reagan is recovering from the assassination attempt at George Washington University Hospital.

White House Diary Collection

Life On The Ranch

President Reagan has Thanksgiving Dinner at the Reagan Ranch with family.


Reagan National Economic Forum

In May 2025, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute will bring together policymakers, business leaders, scholars, and innovators from across industries – from the iconic American brands known worldwide to the startups and disruptors building the future of the American …


Task Force on Manufacturing Competitiveness

The Task Force on National Security and U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness will explore the impact of recent economic developments on the strength of the industrial sectors relevant to American national security. The bi-partisan Task Force will be co-chaired …


Strategic Choices Exercise

The Ronald Reagan Institute and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) released a report titled, “America’s Strategic Choices: Defense Spending in a Post-COVID-19 World.” The report summarizes the findings of two Strategic Choices Exercises the …


2024 Reagan Institute Summer Survey

From the conflict in the Middle East to Russia’s unprovoked war in Ukraine to increasing aggression from the Chinese Communist Party, Americans are yearning for a revival of Reaganesque principles.


2023 Reagan Institute Summer Survey

American public opinion on foreign policy and national security reflects an increasingly complex and, often, confusing world.


2018 Reagan National Defense Survey

Americans remain steadfast in their support for a strong military that both keeps the peace and advances the values of freedom and democracy abroad. Americans are not isolationists.


2019 Reagan National Defense Survey

Americans remain steadfast in their support for a strong military that both keeps the peace and advances the values of freedom and democracy abroad. Americans are not isolationists. They want America to be more engaged in the world, not less.


2021 Reagan National Defense Survey

Despite uncertainty among the American people about whether or how the United States should lead in the world, there is a significant bipartisan consensus that China is the greatest threat we face.


2022 Reagan National Defense Survey

In the face of geopolitical events that shook the foundations of global peace and security in 2022, Americans see U.S. leadership as the key to restoring the peace.


2023 Reagan National Defense Survey

This year's survey reveals concerns that congressional budget cuts will lead to reduced military capabilities and support for increasing military spending on cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence.


2020 Reagan National Defense Survey

The latest Reagan National Defense Survey reflects a downturn in overall attitudes across nearly every category of question. One of the more alarming downward trends is declining trust and confidence in the military.


Westminster 2.0 Working Group

As freedom and democracy face challenges around the world, the cause of renewing our commitment to President Reagan’s ideals has never been more urgent. The Westminster 2.0 Working Group examined how to modernize efforts to promote freedom in …


Task Force on Technology and Workforce

The inaugural Reagan Institute Task Force builds on the policy conversations that took place at the 2018 Reagan National Defense Forum by convening prominent thought leaders, public officials, and industry executives to produce a report detailing recommendations to ensure the …


National Defense Fellowship

The National Defense Fellowship is an intensive program run in partnership between the Alexander Hamilton Society and the Ronald Reagan Institute. The program aims to educate about 20 advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the vocabulary, theory, practice, and organization …


2024 Reagan National Defense Survey

We released the seventh annual Reagan National Defense Survey, showing Americans believe the United States must lead on the world stage, backed by a strong U.S. military.


American Opportunity Bootcamp

Through the American Opportunity Bootcamp, the Ronald Reagan Institute (RRI) brings around 20 undergraduate and recent graduates to Washington, DC to learn about the greater landscape of economic and workforce policies.


Age of Reagan Conference

The Age of Reagan Conference is the signature scholarly convening of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute.


RISE Collaboratives

The Reagan Institute Summit on Education (RISE) Collaboratives are colloquiums to explore education policy topics in-depth and convene intimate groups of experts to reach shared understandings, findings, and recommendations on their particular area of work.


Reagan Postdoctoral Visiting Fellows Program

The purpose of the Visiting Fellows Program is to advance the political, economic, and national security ideas and values of President Ronald Reagan by providing recently graduated postdoctoral students the opportunity to convert their Reagan-related dissertations into a book …


Essay Series On Presidential Principles And Beliefs

Essays authored by elected officials, distinguished civil servants, and public intellectuals analyzing the principles and beliefs captured by some of President Reagan’s most important speeches.


Civic Leaders Fellowship

The Reagan Institute Civic Leaders Fellowship (CLF) is a six-month leadership and professional development program designed to elevate student success in civic and professional life. The Fellowship utilizes a combination of hybrid and place-based learning at both the …


Spotlight: Dissidents

This project focuses and builds upon the previous work of the Center to bring attention to the plight of dissidents around the world. We aim to highlight their courageous efforts to promote freedom in their home countries.


Reagan Institute Summer Survey

The 2023 Reagan Institute Summer Survey is a public opinion poll that assists elected officials, policymakers, and key stakeholders with understanding how Americans view an array of foreign policy and national security matters.


Reagan Institute Strategy Group

The Reagan Institute Strategy Group (RISG) is dedicated to studying, developing, and promoting U.S. foreign policy and national security principles and priorities for the 21st century.


Reagan Institute Summit On Education (RISE)

The Reagan Institute Summit on Education (RISE) Collaboratives are colloquiums to explore education policy topics in-depth and convene intimate and diverse groups of experts to reach shared understandings, findings, and recommendations on their particular area of work. By surfacing …


Academy For Civic Education And Democracy

ACED is RRI’s in-person 8-week summer program in Washington, DC. Classes will be held at the Ronald Reagan Institute building and accredited by George Washington University. 


Reagan National Defense Survey

The Reagan National Defense Survey is a public opinion poll that assists elected officials, policymakers, and key stakeholders with understanding how Americans view a wide array of defense, foreign policy, and national security matters.


Program On The National Security Innovation Base

The Ronald Reagan Institute’s program on the National Security Innovation Base is a project by the Center for Peace Through Strength dedicated to assessing the health of the national security-innovation ecosystem. The foundation for the program is the …


Reagan National Defense Forum

RNDF is a bipartisan annual event held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. Key stakeholders come together to address the health of our national defense and to promote policies to strengthen the U.S. military.

Staff Member

Trex Jones

Trex Jones is a Staff Assistant at the Ronald Reagan Institute in Washington, D.C. Originally from Phoenix, Arizona, Trex is currently a student at George Washington University, where he is pursuing a double major in Political Science and Communications …

Staff Member

Jacob Bruggeman

Jacob Bruggeman studies the political economy and intellectual history of the modern U.S. with a focus on technology and policy. His dissertation, “Securing the System,” explores how regulation, professionalization, and technological change reshaped the practice and significance of “hacking …

Staff Member

Dr. Ellen Dollarhide McCoy

Ellen Dollarhide McCoy, Ph.D. is the associate director of the Center for Civics, Education and Opportunity at the Ronald Reagan Institute and leads the organization’s education policy efforts. For more than fifteen years, Dr. McCoy has devoted her …


Highlights from the 2023 National Civics Bee


2024 Great Communciator Debate Series National Championship

Join us under the wings of Air Force One for the Ronald Reagan Great Communicator Debate Series National Championship. Sixteen of the top high school speech and debate students from across the country will compete for their share of $50 …


Age of Reagan Congressional Forum

The Age of Reagan Conference is the signature scholarly convening of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute. This event will connect scholars to new research opportunities and foster a community of experts working on issues related to Ronald Reagan …

Staff Member

Dr. Tevi Troy

Tevi Troy is a senior fellow at the Ronald Reagan Institute, a Senior Scholar at Yeshiva University’s Straus Center, and a former Deputy Secretary of HHS and senior White House aide. He is the author of five books on …

Staff Member

Dan Rothschild

Daniel M. Rothschild is the director of the Center for Civics, Education, and Opportunity at the Ronald Reagan Institute. From 2014 until 2024, Dan served as executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Under Dan’s leadership …


Strategic Choices Exercise


Roger Zakheim Joins FOX News' Bret Baier To Discuss Findings of 2023 …


Conversation on the Findings of the 2024 Reagan National Defense Survey

The panel discussion revolves around the findings of the 2024 Reagan National Defense Survey and highlights public opinion on national defense, military spending, perceptions of threats, particularly from China, and attitudes towards the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The panelists discuss …


Westminster Speech

In 1982, President Reagan delivered a speech before the British Parliament at Westminster where he championed the merits of democracy and freedom.


Reagan Institute Task Force

House Armed Services Committee (HASC) Future of Defense Task Force


Age of Reagan Book Prize


A Conversation on the Findings of the 2024 Reagan National Defense Survey

The panel discussion revolves around the findings of the 2024 Reagan National Defense Survey and highlights public opinion on national defense, military spending, perceptions of threats, particularly from China, and attitudes towards the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The panelists discuss …


RISE 2024: Empowering Every Learner