Civics, Education & Opportunity
RISE Collaboratives
The Reagan Institute Summit on Education (RISE) Collaboratives are colloquiums to explore education policy topics in-depth and convene intimate groups of experts to reach shared understandings, findings, and recommendations on their particular area of work.

What Are RISE Collaboratives?
To maintain momentum between annual RISE Summits, the Reagan Institute is committed to hosting smaller, day-long convenings, or RISE Collaboratives, to explore issues highlighted during the annual Summit that need further exploration. Collaborative issues are chosen based on their scaling potential, broad bipartisan appeal, and a pressing need for further examination. Through granular exploration of these education policy issues, members of the Collaboratives can help foster innovation and share models of success.
Upcoming Collaborative
“22nd Century Civic Assessment”
February 25th-Virtual
Though standardized tests offer one method of measuring district, school, teacher, and student performance in civic education, they provide only a snapshot of student knowledge. Furthermore, experts in the civics space question the impact of wide-scale standardized tests that may dilute the purpose of civic education and unnecessarily penalize schools that have been historically under-resourced. Innovative alternatives to end-of-year, multiple choice tests can provide parents, students, teachers, and other community members with a more accurate reflection of civic health and engagement.
Past Collaboratives
“The Early Learning Challenge”
August 19, 2020-Virtual
This Collaborative will consist of 20-40 experts and practitioners from across the early childhood education and social emotional learning spaces, representing diverse perspectives and industries. Topics to be discussed at the Collaborative will include preparing pre-K educators, development in the first five years of life, and early learning in rural America. Discussions will be led through expert presentations and group conversation. This Collaborative will also undoubtedly address the realities of early learning within the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.
“The Workforce of the Future: Career, Technical, and Beyond”
March 20-21, 2019 – Indianapolis, IN
As our inaugural RISE Collaborative, this convening brought together over 20 experts and practitioners from the workforce and career and technical education landscapes, representing diverse perspectives and industries. Agenda topics included lifelong learning and upskilling, the skills of the future, disruption, and the gig economy.
“The Case for Social Emotional Academic Learning: Workforce Success”
January 29-30, 2020 – Columbus, OH
This Collaborative consisted of 30-40 experts and practitioners from across the social emotional academic learning and workforce spaces, representing diverse perspectives and industries. Topics discussed at the Collaborative included SEAL in practice, equity and opportunity, and building the 22nd century workforce.
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