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Civics, Education & Opportunity

American Opportunity Bootcamp


Through the American Opportunity Bootcamp, the Ronald Reagan Institute (RRI) brings around 20 undergraduate and recent graduates to Washington, DC to learn about the greater landscape of economic and workforce policies.

American Opportunity Bootcamp in session
American Opportunity Bootcamp Student Speaking
American Opportunity Bootcamp

For Undergraduates

The program offers an overarching history and understanding of free market economic policies that governed the Reagan years. RRI provides students access to the nation’s leading economic thought leaders, business leaders, policymakers, and workforce experts. Students leave the bootcamp with strong foundational knowledge and a working lexicon in economic and workforce policies, an understanding of intersecting relationships between education and workforce policymaking, and a diverse set of viewpoints from industry leaders. Students emerge with an understanding of economic foundations that provide the context for American opportunity.

Ronald Reagan Institute programs are accompanied by an exciting mix of expert speakers, interactive discussions, and windows into the inner workings of Washington, DC. Over time, the American Opportunity Boot Camp evolves into a pipeline of young talent to serve in supporting and designing policy at think tanks and in legislative offices.

Program Components II

  • Daily programming, workshops, and discussions

  • Expert speakers, including counterpoints

  • Relevant site visits

  • Career advice and mentorship opportunities

  • Housing and meals

  • Materials and relevant reading

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