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The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & InstituteThe Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute Logo

Civics, Education & Opportunity

Civic Leaders Fellowship


The Reagan Institute Civic Leaders Fellowship (CLF) is a six-month leadership and professional development program designed to elevate student success in civic and professional life. The Fellowship utilizes a combination of hybrid and place-based learning at both the Reagan Library in California and the Reagan Institute in Washington, DC.

Civic Leaders Fellowship
Students posing
Students at the Fellowship program
Student and Teacher speaking

For Undergraduates

Through the Civic Leaders Fellowship, undergraduate students will grow as young professionals and leaders, ready to take on the next stage of life. CLF enables students to stay at their home institution during the fall while participating in a program that encourages civic investment and responsibility and advances their professional opportunities.

Admission Deadlines

  • May 15 - Early Deadline

  • June 15 - Priority Deadline

  • July 15 - Final Deadline

Ideal Candidate

  • Undergraduate students looking to improve their community and world for the better.
  • Eagerness to learn more and engage in the values of informed patriotism and civic responsibility.
  • Leadership potential and interest in leadership growth.
  • Interest in working across difference and learning how to have difficult conversations with those different from you.
  • Whether interested in a corporate or public service path, you have a commitment to improve your surroundings.
  • Desire to grow as a young professional in the career field of your choosing.


  • Build a network of civic minded leaders from across the country
  • Travel with fully-funded opportunities to California and Washington, DC
  • Connect with Leaders in Non-profit, Museum, Government, Journalism, and Business.
  • Earn a Civic Leaders Fellowship certificate at the conclusion of the program.
  • Hone your leadership skills through engaging workshops.
  • Navigate your future professional career with our staff and speakers.