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Inside the Hangar at the Ronald Reagan Library

Permanent Exhibit

Air Force One Pavilion

One of Southern California’s “must-see” destinations! Step aboard the same Air Force One that flew President Reagan over 660,000 miles to 26 foreign countries and 46 U.S. states.

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

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Included with Museum admission

About The Exhibit

Face-to-Face Diplomacy

Nancy and Ronald Reagan Exiting Air Force 1

Face-to-Face Diplomacy

Ronald Reagan accomplished many great things while in office, and he did so far outside the Oval Office. President Reagan’s vision of face–to–face diplomacy was paramount in his achievements in promoting peace and democracy around the globe.

Ronald Reagan speaking into a phone holding a piece of paper

660,000 miles

President Reagan flew over 660,000 miles, to 26 foreign countries and 46 U.S. states, and changed the face of global diplomacy.

Nancy and Ronald Arriving on Airforce One

Tail Number 27000

The plane itself entered the service of the United States in December 1972 and served seven Presidents including Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. But it was President Reagan who used it the most.

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The Flying White House

This Flying White House, tail number 27000, served seven U.S Presidents from 1973 to 2001, including Presidents Nixon, Carter, Ford, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush. For Ronald Reagan, this was the plane in which he hand-wrote many of his speeches, signed important legislation and even officially started the Daytona Beach, Florida NASCAR race via phone.

But the Air Force One Pavilion is about more than just his plane. View one of his presidential limousines and secret service vehicles as part of an exhibit on presidential motorcades. Experience the actual Irish pub from Ballyporeen, Ireland he visited on a diplomatic trip in 1984 which now sits within the Pavilion and serves as the Library’s snack shop. Explore a 120’ mural which represents all 22 aircraft that has ever flown a U.S. president. Walk around an actual Marine One helicopter that flew President Johnson.

The Flying White House Airplane
Nancy and Ronnie on the Air Force One
Air Force One Family Photo Op

As we liftoff aboard Air Force One... The winds of freedom will be propelling my mission…

April 23, 1986

As we liftoff aboard Air Force One... The winds of freedom will be propelling my mission…As I fly westward over our majestic land, I go knowing that we’re witnessing an awakening to those self–evident truths to which our forefathers pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.