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Photo of the Ronald Reagan Library Air Force One Ornament

Ronald Reagan Library Air Force One Ornament


Collect our 2021 Reagan Library holiday ornament! This ornament was exclusively designed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Air Force One's Final Flight at the Reagan Library. "In 1981, First Lady Nancy Reagan developed the idea to create a unique White House Christmas ornament every year, in concert with the White House Historical Association. 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of this popular White House tradition!" This keepsake ornament was designed in honor of Air Force One 27000, the aircraft which now resides at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. With serious historical credentials, 27000 flew seven U.S Presidents from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush. From 1981-1989, President Reagan relied on this historic aircraft to promote freedom and pursue face-to-face diplomacy in 26 foreign countries and over 150 cities across America. The year 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the plane's final flight on September 8, 2001." This Air Force One Ornament is encased and cushioned beautifully within a red velvet and silver box. Length 3 1/4. Width 2 1/2.


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