Diary Entry - 12/22/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a National Security Briefing to discuss the explosion of Pan Am Flight 103.
President Reagan meets with Volunteer Rescue Workers in the Armenian Earthquake disaster.
Ken D. heard from Dick Wirthlin who said a poll had shown 59% favoring our talking with Arafat & 19% against it. We decided I’d pretape my radio script in Palm Springs. We’ve decided I’ll give one more Medal of Freedom before I leave office. It will go to George Shultz. We’re invoking a 301 against Taiwan. They’ve banned our shipment of Turkey parts to Taiwan. A.B. came in. I’d sent him letters from Ollie Norths lawyers asking me to pardon Ollie. Now Judge has stated Nat. Security secrets must be released. We’ve said no.
N.S.C.—Air crash of Pan Am plane over Scotland began with some kind of explosion at 31,000 ft. New figure on dead—273 on the plane. Ambas. Charles Price & Carol went to scene of crash last night. Margaret Thatcher went early in the morning. I talked to both of them later in the day. Israelis 2 parties voted on yes on a unity govt.
Basic Science agreement with Soviets came to me for approval. Our ranks are divided some say sign, others want to go back & get some word changes. I haven’t made up my mind yet. A brief meeting with Pres. Delvalle of Panama. He went away pleased when he found George B. is going to continue our anti- Noriega campaign when he takes office.
Photos with 5 of our Ambas’s. & familys. At 10:30 Thornburg came in with a well reasoned argument against pardons for North & Poindexter. Then new Sen. designate Dan Coats & family came by for a pic. He is the Congressman Gov. Orr of Ind. appointed Senator to replace Quale. Then a brief address to about 50 Vol. rescue workers just back from Armenia & lunch with V.P. He told me of some other appointments he’s going to make & then asked if he & Barbara could use Camp D. over New Years. I said yes.
Pre-taped this Saturdays radio program.
Dave Fisher & his family came by for photos. Then Peggy Noonan who is working on my farewell address.
Then 2 sets of photos 60 in each group—Personnelle with Bob Tuttle—a few appointments. Pres. of U.S. Savings & Loan came by for a visit & photo. A haircut then over to E.O.B. for my last photo with uniformed guard group. Upstairs for Xmas tree photos. Dick, Patti, Geoff, Ann & John, & Nancy Reynolds & her son all up for dinner. A nice evening. Then to bed & watched my interview with David Brinkley. O.K. I guess.