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Diary Entry - 12/21/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-21-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan is interviewed by David Brinkley of ABC News.

  • President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Meeting to discuss Canadian free trade and a report on the budget.

  • Pan Am Flight 103 is downed over Lockerbie, Scotland by a terrorist bomb; 270 people are killed.

View the President's Schedule
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A 10 A.M. start—talked about schedule. I present the budget to Congress Jan. 9. Don Hodel has endorsed the Quad Commissions proposed pay raise. Our people have put in a request that the signal phone system we have be continued for 6 months.

N.S.C.—Geo. S. will be present tomorrow in N.Y. when the Angola, Cuba, S. Africa, Navimbi signing takes place.

Top Secret the Chfs. of Staff have drawn up a plan for taking out the Libya poison gas plant if we should decide to go that route. We have sent a cable in my name to P.M. Shamir reaffirming our continued support for Israel.

Then a briefing for my upcoming T.V. interview. Everything this morning has been in the study. The Oval O. is being set up for A.B.C. to rig it for my interview with David Brinkley. Then it was zero hour. Everyone says it went very well. I’ll wait til I see it tomorrow night. It’s a segment of an hour show on my presidency. Then lunch & after lunch a photo with Dale Petrosky who left us a short time ago.

A Cabinet meeting—2 subjects—Montreal meeting on free trade. We got 11 out of 15 things we wanted. Agriculture still a sticking point with our European trade partners. 2nd subject was a report on budget by Joe Wright.

Another afternoon of photos with our people—2 groups—in one 60 photos—the next over 70.

Then a meeting with Geo. Shultz. He gave his views on the Angola settlement even though we are not a signatory. Then made a pitch for me to pardon North & Poindexter now on those charters that involve secrets having to do with Nat. Security. Let them stand trial on the indictments having to do with possible breaking of the law. It was a hell of a presentation & I’ve ordered that we pursue this further.

Then photos with West Wing Guards. And upstairs to exercise & shower. Then at 6:15 back downstairs for a receiving line of our Secret Svc. people & their familys—270. Upstairs—dinner & beddy bye. A phone call from Colin re the Pan Am plane crash in Scotland—258 aboard & all dead. We believe a great many were Am. mil. on their way home for Xmas.

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