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Diary Entry - 12/22/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-22-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with former Ambassador of Poland to the United States Romuald Spasowski and his family who have recently defected from Poland.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the situation in Poland.

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I think we’re packing everything we’ve missed into these last several days of the year. By the end of the 1st meeting I was half an hour behind & it stayed that way all day. A budget meeting. We’ve finally come together on the cuts—probably wont get all we ask for from Congress. They’re so used to spending (for votes) they’re getting edgy with ’82 being an election year. The recession has worsened, throwing our earlier figures off. Now my team is pushing for a tax increase to help hold down the deficits. I’m being stubborn. I think our tax cuts will produce more revenue by stimulating the economy. I intend to wait and see some results. Met with the Polish Ambassador & his wife. It was an emotional meeting. They have asked for asylum here. He is defecting because of what the Polish govt. (ordered by the Soviets) are doing to the Polish people. An N.S.C. meeting on what we are going to do about the situation. I go on T.V. tomorrow nite 3 networks. It’s supposed to be a Christmas message but I intend to deliver a message to the Soviets & the Pols. We cant let this revolution against Communism fail without our offering a hand. We may never have an opportunity like this one in our lifetime. We have just learned we have to make public every gift we’ve received—even from friends we’ve exchanged gifts with for years—the price & who gave them. A little inheritance from J.C. [Jimmy Carter] and a d--n gross invasion of privacy.

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