Diary Entry - 12/21/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the situation in Poland.
President Reagan signs an Executive Order creating the Task Force on Legal Equity for Women.
Another non-stop day with virtually no time between meetings. Most important was N.S.C. meeting re Poland. I took a stand that this may be the last chance in our life time to see a change in the Soviet Empires colonial policy re Eastern Europe. We should take a stand & tell them unless & until martial law is lifted in Poland, the prisoners released and negotiations resumed between Walesa (Solidarity) & the Polish govt. We would quarantine the Soviets & Poland with no trade, or communications across their borders. Also tell our N.A.T.O. allies & others to join us in such sanctions or risk an estrangement from us. A T.V. speech is in the works. We also touched on Israel. There are signs Begin went too far both here & at home. His country is divided (even the Cabinet) on his berating of us. And here the Jewish community is resentful of what he’s done. There were budget meetings. We’re coming down to the wire although there is wide disagreement on what kind of deficits we forecast for 5 yrs. ahead. A nice farewell office party for Max Friedersdorf who is off to the Bahamas as our Counsel there. His Dr. recommended it.