Diary Entry - 12/20/1981

Key Facts
The President and the First Lady host the second "Performance at the White House Series" concert and reception.
The President and the First Lady host a Christmas Party for Senior White House staff and their families.
First thing this A.M. a message from Israel—an angry denunciation of us with charges of betrayal & anti-semitism. Obviously it is intended for the public to arouse our own Jewish community against us. We’ll meet tomorrow on this but I’m trying to put together a possible, personal letter to Begin. ToNite another in the P.B.S. telecast of youthful artists & then a reception for Sr. Staff & families. The P.B.S. group—young men & women who are members of the N.Y. City Opera. Beverly Sills brought them—they were magnificent! It was a great success. Dinner then back down for the Senior Staff party. It was a fun time. Mike D. teamed up with the piano player and we had a 2 piano concert & sang Christmas Carols.