Diary Entry - 12/23/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a Christmas Address to the Nation.
President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss the federalist initiative concept and the 1983 budget.
NASA approves a plan to continue the Voyager II spacecraft on a trajectory that will take it within 66,000 miles of the planet Uranus on July 24, 1986.
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Meetings, pictures & year end interviews—one with Roger Mudd who gave a biased account of my last press conference. I was a good boy though & didn’t ding him. In N.S.C. worked out final touches for speech tonite on all networks. OK’d letters to Brezhnev & Jaruzelski. Said more in the letters than I will in the speech. Speech went OK—about 14 minutes. First 1⁄2 hour calls at W.H. running about 6 to 1 in favor.