Diary Entry - 12/20/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan asks Mr. John Tower to be the U.S. Ambassador to Germany.
President Reagan meets with representatives from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Agriculture and Small Business Administration to discuss the O.M.B's budget proposal.
President Reagan meets with Senator John G. Tower (R-Texas) to discuss the upcoming defense issues.
Two long bud. meetings to hear pleas of H.U.D. & Agri. for more money than O.M.B. has proposed. I listened to arguments on both sides but withheld decisions. Oh I forgot to mention S.B.A.—Small business was in on it also. I lean toward giving Jim Sanders (S.B.A.) what he’s asking. The proposal was to cancel out the dept. I think it would send an advance message to the Small business community.
Today I asked John Tower to be Amb. to Germany—Arthur Burns is retiring. I think John is taken with the idea but he hasn’t given an answer.
I have a real problem to solve. George Shultz’s plan to do some shuffling of Ambassadors & Asst. Secs. at State has raised quite a holler. I trust George but there are indications that the Bureaucracy may be leading him astray. For example he’s told an Ambas. wants to quit. Now I’m told the Ambas. was told by the Bureaucrats I wanted his resignation etc. George gets his info. second hand—not directly from the person being dumped. Tomorrow I have to show him my evidence.
The afternoon got crowded with a number of visitors & photo opps. Five business leaders came first—they have between them provided jobs for 40,000 of the handicapped. Tonite is the reception for 250 of the top White House staff. Tom Deluise entertains.
[Diary had bottom half of schedule included to show administration time, photos, etc. per following.]
4:30 pm Administrative Time Oval Office (30 min.)
Presentation of Indian Statue (Ed Meese)
Presentation of Menorah (Meddanus)
Photo with PMG Bolger (Fuller)
Photo with United Way Officials (Coyne)
Photo with Allen Grant (Meese)
Present National Security Medal to John Cabinet Room Hughes (McFarlane)
5:00 pm Tape Message for Millennium Society Diplomatic (5 min.)
Tribute Reception Room (Elliott)
8:15 pm White House Senior Staff Party Residence (60 min.)
UNP 12/19/84 4:00 pm