Diary Entry - 12/19/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss the upcoming meeting on arms control in Geneva.
President Reagan meets with Richard J. Whalen, Chairman and Editorial Director, Worldwide Information Resources, Ltd.
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang sign an accord to return Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997.
A brief meeting with Gen. Ed Rowny re the upcoming Arms Talks (START). He’s a good man. We’ve decided he’ll try to take up the talks as a resumption of the talks they broke off a year ago. He’ll do that hoping to head off a “start all over again” tactic by the Soviets.
A Cab. meeting—Joe Wright reported on where we are in management reforms. The potential for savings is tremendous. To do a number of things we’ll have to get Congress to repeal legislation that literally ties our hands as the executive branch. Dick Whalen came by—he’s really crusading that Geo. S. has been taken over by the St. Dept. soft liners & that he’s planning a purge of all our appointees. I’ve already taken the matter up with George & his account refutes the charges being made.
Met with Peter Grace. He has a good idea about giving some of his task force some continuing charge so they can help mobilize pub. opinion in support of our budget cuts. Upstairs early—I’m getting spoiled by these short days while Congress is away.