Diary Entry - 12/19/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a joint meeting of the Economic and Domestic Policy Councils.
President Reagan hosts the White House Senior Staff Christmas Party.
A lot of talk last night about signing a bill before midnight & then getting the office phone calls telling me Congress had adjourned. I signed the bill alright at about 10:30 p.m. in bed. Then we waited for the 2 phone calls. When you are expecting a phone call you dont go to sleep. We turned the lights out around 1 A.M. but we weren’t doing too well. Then the phone rang at 15 min. to 2. It was the operator telling us there wouldn’t be a call because they didn’t want to wake us.
We had a budget appeal meeting—Dept. of Defense offering a compromise figure in response to the O.M.B. proposal. I haven’t given an answer yet but I definitely lean to the compromise.
Then there was a joint meeting of the Ec. policy & Domestic policy Councils & again I held my fire.
Bob Tuttle brought in quite a list of appointees, all of which I approved.
Then it was what we call Admin. Time. A photo with the publisher of Am. Legion magazine to accompany an interview I’ve already done. Then a dozen or more of our Park mounted police—the ones who teach our S.S. agents to ride & also bring our horses up to Camp D. A photo with Calif. family Moon had called me about. A taping session—the Marine Bands 185th anniversary, a tape for a joint Am. & B.B.C. broadcast & a statement for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.
After dinner downstairs for the Senior Staff Xmas party & a little dancing to Peter Duchins orch.