Diary Entry - 12/18/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss the Secretary's recent trip to Eastern Europe.
President Reagan hosts a luncheon for top medical researchers to discuss the latest medical developments.
Everybody's spirits up & no one calling me a lame duck since yesterdays vote. Cap came by for the N.S.C. briefing. Things are going fairly well for Defense budget items.
A ceremony for the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings bill. I signed it some time ago & because of time restraints there was no signing ceremony. So this A.M. in the St. Dining room we at least had a speech by me to assembled members of Cong. & recognition for all who had authored & promoted the bill—now law.
An interesting lunch with several of the nations top medical people who are deep in research on the latest medical developments. Some of the things coming to pass or in the offing are almost magic. It’s a far cry from, “take 2 aspirin & call me in the morning.”
Dick Wirthlin came by with latest poll & my ratings are up quite high.
Last night I vetoed the Trade Bill which was a protectionist attempt for textiles, shoes & copper. I called Strom Thurmond—author. He took it better than I thought he would.
Up in the residence for a meeting with George Shultz just back from a trip to several of the Eastern bloc nations.
And at 6:15 downstairs for the Xmas visit of all the S.S. agents & their familys—250 hands to shake.