Diary Entry - 12/20/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a swearing-in ceremony for Dr. Otis Bowen as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
President Reagan speaks with Secretary of State George Shultz regarding a new policy involving Polygraph tests to uncover espionage.
A flap has blown up about our plan to utilize Polygraph tests in trying to uncover espionage. In Europe Sec. Shultz was badgered by press who played it up as a widespread compulsory program involving 100,000 employees including Cabinet members. This of course is untrue & a distortion of an N.S.P.G. directive to come up with an anti espionage program. I think we got it settled down now that I’ve had a chance to straighten it out with George who is a non-believer in lie detector tests.
Today also saw a reception to say goodbye to Margaret Heckler who is off to Ireland as Ambas. Then a birthday cake for Don R. Another budget appeals meeting—this time N.A.S.A. Once again I’m going to settle for a compromise on funding for the Space Station that wont delay it’s progress or crimp our research too much.
Then we swore in Dr. Bowen as Sec. of H.H.S. And finally we were off to Camp David after receiving an 8 ft. by 16 ft. Xmas card from the Mayor & citizens of Westminster Maryland. It is signed by the 10,000 people of that town. No helicopter this time—it was snowing & visibility was zero. We drove up & it snowed all the way.