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Diary Entry - 12/16/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-16-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses and takes questions at a Foreign Policy Address at the University of Virginia.

  • President Reagan attends the White House Staff Christmas Party.

  • Political cult leader Lyndon LaRouche is convicted of tax and mail fraud.

View the President's Schedule
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Down to the map room at 9 A.M.—A brief meeting with Ken D., Colin & Bea—then Colin, Bea & I went out to the helicopter & took off for U. of Va. at Charlotte Va. where I was scheduled to deliver my Foreign Policy address. The old school abounds with tradition & the spirit of Thomas Jefferson who founded the U. I addressed about 700 students in an historic old hall introduced by the U. Pres. Sen. John Warner, Slaughter & Gov. Baliles were on the Dais. After my speech which was carried live by CNN & outside to the whole Student body—I took 6 Q’s. It was a tremendous success. Then over to the old Rotunda where I met & was photoed with some student officers, faculty & board members—about 40 in all. Then down & outside the bldg. for a short address to the 1000’s of students. This too was well received. Then back to the chopper & off to Wash. Back in the Oval O. I had lunch at 1:15. At 2 Geo. S. regular meeting—just some brief comments on Arafat decision. Then photos with 74 individuals—people in various dept’s. of the Admin. Merme brought her 7 young ladies—her staff at R.N.C. & we did photos. A departing man & family. Then a short meeting with Pete Dominici who wants me to do a fund raiser for him in New Mexico after I leave. Can’t give him an answer yet. Then upstairs until 4:30 when we had to go down for the household staff Xmas party. That is a big mix & mingle with all the W.H. people & their familys. A lot of picture taking etc. Very nice. Nancy is so tired we’re having dinner in bed.

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