Diary Entry - 12/16/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses and takes questions at a Foreign Policy Address at the University of Virginia.
President Reagan attends the White House Staff Christmas Party.
Political cult leader Lyndon LaRouche is convicted of tax and mail fraud.
Down to the map room at 9 A.M.—A brief meeting with Ken D., Colin & Bea—then Colin, Bea & I went out to the helicopter & took off for U. of Va. at Charlotte Va. where I was scheduled to deliver my Foreign Policy address. The old school abounds with tradition & the spirit of Thomas Jefferson who founded the U. I addressed about 700 students in an historic old hall introduced by the U. Pres. Sen. John Warner, Cong.man Slaughter & Gov. Baliles were on the Dais. After my speech which was carried live by CNN & outside to the whole Student body—I took 6 Q’s. It was a tremendous success. Then over to the old Rotunda where I met & was photoed with some student officers, faculty & board members—about 40 in all. Then down & outside the bldg. for a short address to the 1000’s of students. This too was well received. Then back to the chopper & off to Wash. Back in the Oval O. I had lunch at 1:15. At 2 Geo. S. regular meeting—just some brief comments on Arafat decision. Then photos with 74 individuals—people in various dept’s. of the Admin. Merme brought her 7 young ladies—her staff at R.N.C. & we did photos. A departing man & family. Then a short meeting with Pete Dominici who wants me to do a fund raiser for him in New Mexico after I leave. Can’t give him an answer yet. Then upstairs until 4:30 when we had to go down for the household staff Xmas party. That is a big mix & mingle with all the W.H. people & their familys. A lot of picture taking etc. Very nice. Nancy is so tired we’re having dinner in bed.