Diary Entry - 12/15/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Ciriaco de Mita of Italy.
President and Mrs. Reagan attend the annual White House Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Yasser Arafat in exile declares Palestinian independence; it is a symbolic act as no state boundaries are delineated.
10 A.M. again. I’m told our budget includes a small start on the Savings & Loan problem.
A follow up on my meeting with the Indian leaders. The Bureau of Indian affairs has a $45 mil. fund for loans to Indians (guaranty) for ec. development.
N.S.C.—Reactions are showing up re our announcement of a dialogue with Arafat. Israel of course is dead set against it. A number of Am. Jewish groups are rather non committal & we are being praised in a number of circles here & abroad. As we see it—a new game begins today.
We’re still watching the Conf. on Security & Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.). Geo. S. may be a little too optimistic in his belief that it’s job is finished & we move on to other areas of negotiation & dialogue.
A meeting with Turkish P.M. Turgut Ozal. A short but pleasant meeting. We are on good terms. He indicated a need for more help on military support. I hope we can but we’ve trimmed down on help to a number of other countries.
A little desk time then our 2nd visitor Italian P.M. Ciriaco De Mita. He was late so our meeting was short but again it was pleasant. Italy has agreed to take our F-16’s once based in Spain. Spain refused to extend the lease. Finally—15 min’s. late—lunch. Then 6 photo ops. for S.S. agents being transferred. Then photo op as I received a plaque from the new officers of the Future Farmers of America. Bob Tuttle with appointments to a number of boards & commissions—followed the P.M. A meeting with Att. Gen. Thornburgh for a rundown on the indictment of the Marcos’s. After him, Peggy Noonan—another session on our creation of my Farewell Address. Then a photo op with Ambas. Montgomery & his daughter. He’s been our man in Oman for 3 yrs. & a great help in the Persian Gulf business.
Then a taping session for 6 events—one a broadcast to the Russian people. Upstairs to await the Xmas tree lighting at 5:52 P.M. All went well—the tree is lighted. Up to dinner with Maureen & Dennis. Then down to the press reception. Shook 587 hands—everyone very pleasant & expressing regret that we are leaving.