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Diary Entry - 12/14/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-14-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan calls several overseas military officers to wish them a Merry Christmas.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan attend a private Christmas Eve dinner at Charles Wick's home.

  • President Reagan authorizes the U.S. to enter into a "substantive dialogue" with the PLO.

View the President's Schedule
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Back to 9 A.M.—News clippings carried a statement Bob Hope made about me in Miami Fla. It was most complementary. Some talk of remaining schedule then Danny told me budget report I’m getting this afternoon will be showing a surplus by 1993.

N.S.C.—Nations are divided about Arafats speech to U.N. Our own view is that he did not come through with clear cut statement we need. U.N. is to get together December 22 on Angola agreement. Need in Armenia is for a concerted plan as to how best we can help.

Turmoil in Soviet U. as a great shifting & changing of leaders takes place.

Then 10 A.M. Ambas. from China—Han Xu in for a visit I asked for. It is 10th anniversary of China-U.S. establishing of relations. Desk time but a brief hello to Henry Kissinger who was here to see Ken D. Then a pleasant time in Roosevelt room with 30 or 40 of advisors to me on “Pvt. Sector Initiatives.” They gave me a report. They’ve done a great job. Lunch with V.P. Then—entire crew of A.F.1 came by for photos—about 35 all told. Then photos with the 3 groups Nancy Risque heads up. George Shultz’s regular meeting. He showed me a miniature railroad built in to a carrying case—a present from our N.A.T.O. leaders to him. He tells me details of verification of Angola withdrawal has yet to be worked out. Vienna meeting is supposed to report on a variety things having to do with conventional weapons on Jan. 5. Egypt says P.L.O. should be talked to now. Israel adamantly says no. Then photos with 58 Admin. officials 1 at a time.

Bill Cuff after 27 yrs. of mil. & civilian service is retiring. I presented him with a medal in the company of his wife & 2 daughters. Then Budget briefing—Joe Wright has done a great job. We’ll present a budget to Cong. Jan. 9 that is within the Gramm Rudman target by billions of dollars.

Then the Commission Chairman (Loyd Cutler) on Executive, Legislative & Judicial salaries came by with their recommended increases. Now it’s my job to say “yes no or maybe.” On way to quarters I ran into a high school Madrigal singers group on ground floor who serenaded me with Xmas Carols. Upstairs—exercise etc. Dinner—then at 8:15 down stairs to shake 589 hands in the 1st of the 2 press parties. Tonite’s news (T.V.) featured George S. announcing that at last Arafat had made the statement we’ve been waiting for & our Ambas. in Tunis will begin meeting with him. I issued a written statement to the press. We mustn’t say it out loud but we outlasted him & we won.

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