Diary Entry - 12/17/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a National Radio Address to the Nation.
President and Mrs. Reagan attend a Christmas Open House for the White House Executive Office of the President staff.
Nancy slept in—I got up & went out to the Park Police Stables. Did photos with them in the riding arena & got a thank you plaque from them. They trained our S.S. agents in riding & always brought the horses up to Camp David. I should have been giving them a plaque. Back to the W.H. & to the Oval O. for the radiocast—then up to the solarium for lunch—just the 2 of us. Then at 2:15 down the Grand Staircase to greet the W.H. & E.O.B. staffs—the whole downstairs was filled with them. Then upstairs to exercise & shower before a rubdown Nancy had scheduled [. . .] Dinner in study & then to bed.