Diary Entry - 12/15/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Elliott Trued to discuss Nuclear disarmament.
President Reagan lights the National Christmas Tree.
The last U.S. troops leave Grenada; 300 noncombat personnel remain.
P.M. Pierre Trudeau arrived. He’s been travelling the world trying to arouse interest in a 5 big nation summit to try & reduce Nuclear weapons. He hasn’t been able to get much interest. Actually it isn’t a sound idea but still we support his arousing interest in other nation’s, all of them to talk of eliminating such weapons. I think he went away with some added ammunition. Lunch with V.P. He’s done a great job in Central Am., especially in El Salvador on inspiring more action on human rights. An end of year interview with Time Inc. They are doing a feature on me & Andropov & Soviet-U.S. relations. I did my best to make it plain—we are the side that’s trying to bring about arms reductions & peace. Sen. John Danforth came in—he’s off to Africa—the drought stricken countries. We are planning to triple our food assistance. Personnel time & then admin. time. A Gold Medal to Fred Waring, Rich Colino, 1st Am. Dir. of Intelstat. James Fowler—Pres. of Lions. Rick Eilert to give me his book. A Vietnam Vet. he has had 40 operations on his legs. Capt. Grace Hopper—Navy—77 yrs. old sworn in as Commodore. Editors of Ladies Home Journal with a bound copy of their 100th yrs. edition. Over to the W.H. for the annual Xmas Tree lighting. 7 yr. old Amy Benham—with terminal illness had made public her dream to help me light the tree. She was a sweet little girl—she pushed the button. Another handshaking night—2nd half of Press Corps—about 600 hands. Today the New Jersey fired only it’s 5 inch guns at Syrian Artillery. We intercepted a message between 2 units of Syrians—saying, “We dont want the N.J. to fire anymore.”