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Diary Entry - 12/16/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-16-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan is informed that a defacto cease fire has arisen in Lebanon.

  • President Reagan establishes the National Endowment for Democracy.

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Hopefully there is a cease fire again in Lebanon brought on we believe by those 16 inch guns. Don Rumsfeld is meeting with the Syrians & for the 1st time there has been an admission that Pres. Assad had a heart attack. Over to the O.M.B. to meet about 125 people including the board of directors of the newly created Nat. Endowment for Democracy. A true mix, Lane Kirkland, a business rep., both party chairmen etc. This is outcome of my proposal to British Parliament in 1982. A hectic Cabinet Lunch on the Textile issue. Our friend (?) Roger Milliken as leader of the Tax industry is on a rampage swearing they’ll turn on the Repubs. if we dont do something to protect them from “Imports.” Their industry is using 91% of it’s plant capacity, their profits are higher than any other industry. There are however 300,000 unemployed & they claim there will be more. Truth is those unemployed are probably due to modernized equipment which has made them unnecessary. We finally came up with something that may placate them. Geo. S. & I met—he gave me some proposals to study over the weekend having to do with the START talks. Another Bud. appeal meeting—this time on the Diplomacy & foreign aid budget. Dentist time again—my I dread that & now that it’s over my dread is justified—and I’m just talking about getting them cleaned.

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