Diary Entry - 12/14/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a national security briefing.
The President and the First Lady host the annual Christmas Reception for members of the press.
The New Jersey finally did it! Our Recon planes over Lebanon were fired on again—this time in the area patrolled by the N.J. The 16 inch guns fired 11 rounds. All of Beirut thought there was an earthquake. No reports on results yet. Decided on spur of moment to do a press availability in the press room. I think it turned out well. Most Q’s were on Lebanon. After lunch over to the E.O.B. did Q&A with about 100 editors, publishers etc. all with Ganett press. Geo. Shultz also spoke to them before I got there. Then he & I went back to the Oval office. He’s just returned from a wide ranging trip in Europe & the Middle East. He felt good about it & about our allies attitude. Sen. Baker came in. He’s very worried that we cant control our Repub. Senators on the budget deficit matters. We reassured him that we’ll stay in close touch & plan with him. Interview with U.S. News & World Report—tomorrow it will be Time Inc. These are all end of year stories. A Farewell party for Ken Duberstein. And in 7 min’s. downstairs to shake about 600 hands—the annual press reception—tonite & tomorrow. Hung a sign on Nancy “I have laryngitis—Merry Christmas.” We were amazed—about 19 out of 20 hand shakers never even saw the sign. I should have put it on her forehead.