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Diary Entry - 12/15/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-15-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Vatican Secretary of State Agostino Cardinal Casaroli to discuss the situation in Poland.

  • The President and the First Lady host a Christmas Party for members of the Press Corps.

  • Congress passes a $200 spending bill, the largest in U.S. history to date.

View the President's Schedule
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Just up from the 2nd Christmas party. It was a success & every one seemed to have a warm, wonderful time. Nancy has her wish—it is snowing. Today was a tough one—2 major decisions facing me and I dont have the answers yet. One is a debate between OMB and EPA (Ann Gorsuch) on the ’83 figure for EPA. Even though I want to save money I lean toward Ann. She’s a good manager & has done a great job of cutting back. Second problem worse. I promised to do away with the Energy Dept. Jim Edwards (Sec.) has carried this out. The problem is do the functions which must continue go to Interior or Commerce. Both want it & I think they should have it but only 1 can get it. Lunched with Cardinal Casaroli—Sec. of St. to the Vatican. Most of the talk was on Poland. This thing going on there was no sudden reaction as the Communist Govt. would have us believe. The operation is so smooth it must have taken weeks for planning. Solidarity was going to demand a vote by the people as to whether they wanted to continue under Communism. That the Commies can never permit.

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