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Diary Entry - 12/14/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-14-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan speaks with His Holiness Pope John Paul II to discuss the situation in Poland.

  • President Reagan meets with Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Paul Volcker to discuss monetary policy.

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Spoke to Am. Legislative Exchange Council & did Q&A. These are State legislators Dem. & Repub. who are conservative & Gung Ho for our Ec. plan. Met with Paul Volcker. I’m not sure he sees the need to let the increase in money supply go forward in the upper range of their moderate schedule. This recession is because they slammed the door in April & kept it closed until Sept.— almost Oct. Our plan will get the Ec. moving again only if the Fed. allows—not an upward surge—but a moderate growth geared to Ec. growth. Called the Pope re Poland. Expressed our concern & intention to keep close tabs on what is going on. This is take my picture day—a half dozen including a portrait by Arnold Newman. Then a meeting with Papal Sec. of State Cardinal—whoops! Wait a minute—that’s tomorrow. Todays meeting with 4 professors—the Pope’s Vatican study team on Nuclear War. Their findings—we must not have one. Al Haig got back, met with him in the Study. He says Europe’s leaders are on Cloud 9 over my speech about zero missiles in Europe. Cap came by—may have an answer re the Allen situation. Even if cleared, I dont believe he can resume as W.H. advisor. Cap has 2 proposals—either one of which would be good for him if he’d take it. The W.H. Christmas party is now over—that is the 1st shift. Tomorrow night we’ll have one for the other half. Everyone seemed very pleased with it.

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