Diary Entry - 12/10/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for Proclamations 5003, to commemorate Human Rights Week.
President Reagan participates in a taping of a poem to be a part of the NBC Christmas Television Special.
Soviet cosmonauts Anatoly Berezovoy and Valentin Lebedev land safely after a record 211 days in space.
A busy day—signed two human rights proclamations before a group in East Room—rather emotional—one re Poland. Taped a Christmas story to a group of children. Met with Gen. Rowny our arms negotiator. Also with Sens. Jackson & Stennis re the MX. A group came in from U. of Alabama. They have raised funds to establish a R.R. Chair in communications at the U. of Ala. Held a press availability in Oval office—have to do more of that—it turned out fine. Huddled with 3 Govs. Orr of Ind. Thompson of Ill. & Snelling of Vermont on budget problems. Now off to Camp David.