Diary Entry - 12/11/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a radio address to the Nation about the production of the MX Missile.
President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with each and every member of the armed services at Camp David.
A chemical tank explodes in Taft, Louisiana forcing the evacuation of more 20,000 local residents.
Spent the day (Sat.) or most of it in front of the fire. Of course there was the radio broadcast at 12:06 & then we went over to the central building & met & were photographed with each & every Sea Bee, Marine & Sailor stationed at C.D. About 240 in all. No other President has ever done that. They were a fine looking bunch of young men. Ran “Sophie’s Choice” Sat. night. Awoke Sunday to snow. About 1:15 I called the Mayor of Bridgeport Conn. and was on speaker to a large crowd. On Dec. 7 (Tues.) an arsonist burned down an inst. sponsored by the Police Athletic Assn. It consisted of a house, a manger & all that goes with Christmas. For years they’ve run this during the Christmas season with a Santa & elves etc. Thousands of children would visit each year & thousands of toys were given away. After Tuesdays fire the Mayor called on the construction industry for help. In the 4 days between the fire & Sunday 250 vol’s. working around the clock had it rebuilt & the opening ceremony was today Dec. 12. Tonite we went to the NBC Xmas special in Pension Hall. The show will go on tomorrow nite. Both Nancy & I taped spots for it last Fri. It was a great show. Old friends like Dinah Shore were in it.