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Diary Entry - 12/09/1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Council meeting about Food and Agriculture.

  • The President and First Lady attend a dinner honoring the Republican Majority in the Senate.

View the President's Schedule
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Dick Wirthlin came by with a serious summing up of what we have to do to counter the drumbeat of propaganda the Dems. & the press are pushing to the people. Then a Cab. Council meeting on a plan to use Govt. surplus grain instead of money to induce farmers to idle some of their productive land. I suggested we also use surplus grain to help farmers who have lost crops to flood. Lunch with Habib—I told him he’d have to let Begin & Sharon know that their intransigence could cost them our long time relationship & support. Lebanon has asked them to leave so there is in effect an occupation army against the wishes of Lebanon. Went over to Exec. office building to make H.U.D. awards to mayors & civic leaders who have created partnerships to create local programs. Two gals from “People” mag. interviewed me. Thought they’d be birds of prey—they seemed very nice & it was a pleasant time. Met the little boy who is the poster boy for March of Dimes. He’s quite a little man with a winning way. Tonite the Sen. dinner at the Library of Cong. It was as usual a warm & nice affair. Joy Baker was on hand after her surgery which has to be a very fast recovery.

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