Diary Entry - 12/04/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with representatives of the steel industry to discuss subsidized steel imports.
The U.S. Department of Labor announces that the U.S. unemployment rate reached 8.4% of the work force in November.
President Reagan broadened the power of the CIA by allowing spying in the U.S.
An easy day. Meeting with leaders of Steel industry. Persuaded them to let us deal with Europe’s dumping of 3 1⁄2 mil. tons of subsidized steel on our mkt. They wanted to go at them with law suits. John Simpson sworn in today as S.S. Chief. Meeting on ec. policy. ? is how to make people & Cong. understand that our program offers the best chance to get out of the recession. Signs are all there—inflation falling, int. rates dropping— Feds. discount rate down to 12. A most enjoyable dinner (about 12) mainly old Hollywood friends on hand for the annual awards Sun. at Kennedy Center—the Stewarts, Grants, Fairbanks etc. After dinner gave them a W.H. tour. They were enthused about all that Nancy & Ted have accomplished.