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Diary Entry - 12/04/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-04-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with representatives of the steel industry to discuss subsidized steel imports.

  • The U.S. Department of Labor announces that the U.S. unemployment rate reached 8.4% of the work force in November.

  • President Reagan broadened the power of the CIA by allowing spying in the U.S.

View the President's Schedule
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An easy day. Meeting with leaders of Steel industry. Persuaded them to let us deal with Europe’s dumping of 3 1⁄2 mil. tons of subsidized steel on our mkt. They wanted to go at them with law suits. John Simpson sworn in today as S.S. Chief. Meeting on ec. policy. ? is how to make people & Cong. understand that our program offers the best chance to get out of the recession. Signs are all there—inflation falling, int. rates dropping— Feds. discount rate down to 12. A most enjoyable dinner (about 12) mainly old Hollywood friends on hand for the annual awards Sun. at Kennedy Center—the Stewarts, Grants, Fairbanks etc. After dinner gave them a W.H. tour. They were enthused about all that Nancy & Ted have accomplished.

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