Diary Entry - 11/27/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in an interview with 5 editors and writers from the Washington Times.
The President and First Lady host a private dinner for entertainer Frank Sinatra.
Visitor today, an exceptional man & great friend of our country—P.M. Ratu Mars of Fiji. He has great courage & he’s made his island nation a showcase of Democracy. Howard Baker came by in a sort of farewell ceremony. He’s keeping his options open regarding a Presidential try in ’88. He’d like to keep a foot in govt. so I’m appointing him to P.F.I.A.B. He checked me out as to whether I’d be neutral in ’88. I must say this will be a tough one for me. I’ve always believed the party should choose the nominee but when the time comes I’m afraid my heart will be with George B. if he makes the run. An interview with 5 editors & writers from “Wash. Times.” I think it went OK—at least they are friendlys.
Tonite dinner for Frank Sinatra. The Wicks, Laxalts & Shultz’s on hand. A good time was had by all. We should do this more often.