Diary Entry - 11/28/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Secretary Schultz in preparation for the upcoming arms reduction talks with the Soviets.
The President and First Lady attend the Senate Republican Unity Dinner where Senator Dole (R-Kansas) is made the new Majority Leader.
Called John Stennis (Sen.). He’s at Walter Reed Hosp. to have a leg taken off at the hip—cancer. Met with the Cab. working group on bud. cuts. Dave Stockman presented a case to bring the deficit down to 4% of G.N.P.—then 3% & by ’88—2%. It is a really draconian cut including elimination of scores of govt. programs entirely. Frankly it’s time to reverse the course of the last 50 yrs. but I cant help but be suspicious that Dave made it so tough hoping we’d turn instead to a tax increase. Well I wont. Met with Geo. S. re the upcoming arms reduction talks. We agree that since Chernenko has talked as I have of total elimination of nuclear weapons that should be our goal in the negotiations.
Had a visit with representatives of the Alzheimers Disease Foundation. Yasmin—daughter of Rita Hayworth (a victim) was with them. She is a fine young lady totally dedicated to the cause. Went upstairs to do homework & select a pile of books to give the Antacosta High School Library.
Tonite the Sen. Repub. Unity Dinner. Bob Dole has just been chosen as new Majority Leader.