Diary Entry - 11/26/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Deputy Prime Minister Aziz of Iraq to re-establish diplomatic relations, which Iraq had broken off 17 years prior.
President Reagan places a call to Rev. Richard C. Halverson, Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Affairs briefing to receive an overview of the Treasury Department's tax simplification plan.
Back to the regular routine. George S. came by to tell me I should tell Lucky Roosevelt—(Protocol Officer) I want her to stay. I’m not out to change anyone so if they dont tell me they want to leave I first assume they are staying. Any way I had her in & gave her the word & he was right she bubbled over with joy.
Deputy P.M.of Iraq Tariq Aziz came in—today we re-established diplomatic relations which Iraq had broken off 17 yrs. ago. We maybe helped in our peace efforts because Iraq is pretty cool toward Syria—the bad boy of the Middle East.
For 2 hours we had our 1st briefing on the Treasury Dept’s. tax plan. I’m worried. I’ll hold my fire until I understand it better but as of now it sounds a little complicated & not as simple as I’d hoped.
To top the day off I called Mike R. We talked for half an hour and I’m more than ever convinced that he has a real emotional problem that is making him paranoid.