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Diary Entry - 11/19/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting of local business leaders at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

  • President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Meeting to discuss the budget negotiations, the Supreme Court nominee, and Central America.

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Again we talked deficit & Dems. refused to commit themselves. It’s getting frustrating. I sent our team back with a message that I would not ask for a delay in the sequester which is due tomorrow.

N.S.C.—Heard from Max Kampleman in Geneva—he thinks I.N.F. agreement might require Geo. S. & Colin to go to Geneva this weekend.

This morning finally I went over to the U.S.C. of C. [United States Chamber of Commerce] & made the speech that had gotten snowed out. It was very well received.

After lunch a photo with a departing staff member who is only going to another dept. Then over to E.O.B. to address a new womens business group called “Business Partners.” A good time was had by all.

Back to a Cabinet meeting for general reports & discussion on deficit, peace in Central America & Judge Kennedy. Cabinet is all in line with what we are doing. It was Caps final Cabinet Meeting. Some desk time—then a photo with Mil. office Staff & Finally Admin. time. The World Cup Soccer Pres. is moving to have the World Cup played in America in 1994. Then a photo with the Epilepsy Poster Child. A photo with author of “100 Yrs. of Notre Dame Football” & a half dozen former N.D. stars dating all the way back to 1930. Then I had a proclamation signing with a group of parents of adopted children—“Adoption Week.” Tommy Hearn came in—1st boxer to ever hold World Titles in 4 weights—Jr. welter weight, welter weight, middle weight & Light Heavy weight. He’s a young black man who looks like a scholar. Then a photo with Remington Sculpture for Nat. Geographic.

Finally upstairs. Billy Graham & Ruth our guests for dinner. A wonderful evening with Billy & Ruth as always. God Bless them.

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