Diary Entry - 11/20/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with several Senators to discuss the confirmation of the new Secretary of Defense.
President Reagan meets with the Prime Minister of the State of Israel.
President Reagan and congressional leaders announce agreement on a two-year, $76 billion deficit-reduction plan designed to reassure jittery financial markets.
Sam Nunn & John Warner (Sens.) came in at 9 A.M. They have authored a defense bill that had gotten off track but now has been corrected & I believe I can sign it. It has been passed.
N.S.C.—was a briefing for meeting with P.M. of Israel—Shamir. He arrived at 10 A.M. & we had a good meeting. I assured him of our continued friendship and told him of my plan to address Gorbachev on matter of Soviet Jewry.
Then a meeting with Geo. S. who is leaving for Geneva to try & pin down the details of the I.N.F. treaty.
The schedule got turned inside out—the 2 P.M. N.S.P.G. meeting was moved up to 11 A.M. It was a discussion on START treaty which will be feature of Summit. There are still differences among us on some of the goals we should go for.
After lunch—A. B. Culvahouse deposited a pile of reading on my desk—Q’s & suggested answers for Judge Walsh who is investigating Iran-Contra. Then at 2:45 Howard B. brought in Jim B. & Jim M.—We have an agreement on the deficit.
At 3 P.M. the Cong. leaders came in & at 3:15 we all joined the negotiating teams in the cabinet room. A discussion & decision that we were united on the agreement. Then at 3:30 we went into the press room & I made a statement. We took Q’s & everything went well. Some desk work & upstairs.