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Diary Entry - 11/18/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives a copy of the report of the Congressional Investigation Committees on the Iran-Contra affair from his Counsel, A.B. Culvahouse.

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to present the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.

View the President's Schedule
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Opened day with talk of Deficit. Our team had a plan—no 2% Cost of Living on entitlements—just a combination of cuts & added revenues similar to what I put in Jan. Bud.

N.S.C.—was brief—talk of summit. Soviets had suggested Gorbachev speak to joint session of Congress. We’d passed the word on to the hill. Looks like there is resistance to the idea on the hill.

After some desk time I went over to E.O.B. at 11:30 to speak to 108 teachers from around the country—plus another 100 or so family & friends. The tchr’s. were being awarded recognition for excellence in teaching Math. & science.

Back to lunch & watched T.V. on presentation of finding of the joint committee on Iran-Contra. It’s obvious the report is aimed at discrediting me. Repub. members—have presented a minority report repudiating the majority report.

After lunch back to E.O.B. to address people of U.S. Trade Rep. Office—observing 25th anniversary of that office.

Then back to a meeting with Geo. S.—mostly on summit. Then a farewell reception in the Roosevelt Rm. for Cap & family. A good turnout including several foreign Ambas’s.

Then upstairs & a 4:30 meeting. In meantime Howard B. reported great opposition among our Repub. House members to the deficit plan we agreed on this morning. That’s what the 4:30 meeting is about.

Meeting over—Bob Michel, Bob Dole, Jim B., Howard B.—We dont have agreement yet, but revolution in the works. We may have a meeting here at the W.H. That’s as far as we could go.

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