Diary Entry - 11/12/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a National Radio Broadcast about the election and Veteran’s day.
The Palestine National Council, the legislative body of the PLO, open a four-day meeting in Algiers, during which delegates proclaim an independent Palestinian state.
Our usual 9 A.M. or so wakeup. About 11:45 headed for “Laurel” & my radiocast. Our family was already there with the others our regulars. I did my broadcast—about the election & tied into Veteran’s day. Then back to Aspen for lunch. Eddie [steward] showed the gals how those special brown W.H. crackers are made. Then Anne, Jon, Geoff, Nancy & I went for a horse back ride. It was cold but the ride was enjoyable. Back to Aspen—Anne & Jon had to go back to Wash. Then cocktails & dinner & a new movie “Cocoon II.” And to bed.