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Diary Entry - 11/11/1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan lay a wreath and speak at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan speak at a Veterans Day Ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

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At 10:40 A.M. off to Arlington—all our guests along. I laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. Then into the ampitheatre where I gave a brief speech. From there over to the Vietnam Vets. Memorial—some 20,000 people there. I spoke—message was well received. Then I read a note Nancy & I had signed & we put it at the base of the memorial. It’s a tradition that has grown of people leaving letters, gifts etc. at the memorial.

Back to the W.H., changed clothes—lunch in the solarium with our 5 guests. And then Marine 1 to Camp D. On way to S. Lawn Nancy & I had photos with the S.S. detail in charge of the W.H. tours. A few others with familys of staff & on our way. Arrived at Camp D. with our 5 guests. Everybody at their quarters until about 6:00 P.M. then cocktails & dinner. Ran a “Golden Oldie”—“Winchester 73” Jimmy Stewart & Shelly Winters. Bedtime.

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