Diary Entry - 11/04/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses a Bush/Quayle Rally at Moraine Valley Community College in Palos Hills, IL.
President Reagan attends a Victory '88 Rally in Voorhees Township, NJ.
President Reagan signs a measure providing for U.S. participation in an anti-genocide treaty signed by President Truman in 1948.
Up and away in Marine 1 after a pause to announce to the press that unemployment for Oct. was down to 5.2%. At Andrews—A.F.1 was waiting & we lifted off for O’Hare field Chi. Weather in Chi. was such that ours was the only plane landing at O’Hare. Gov. Jim Thompson met us in a driving rain. In a Nat. Guard building I signed S.1815, the Genocide Implementation Act. Then we took Marine 1 to Palos Ill. and a landing zone at Moraine Valley Community College. The rain had suddenly stopped. Upon landing I said a few words to an overflow crowd—then into the college where I addressed a crowd of about 7000 enthusiastic people—students and adults. Photos later with Community College Board of Dir’s. After my speech a lovely little 8 yr. old girl presented me with a giant card, replica of the voting machine. Today was her birthday. Then it was back to the Palm Hill landing zone & Air Force 1. Said goodbye to Gov. & we took off for Phil. Pa. Lunch on board. Two hours later we landed. Pete Dawkins, N.J. cand. for Sen. met me. We motored to Voorhees Township, Main street Mall. Did an indoor photo session with major supporters. Then (in my iron vest) out to open air rally another crowd around 7000. Gov. of N.J. Tom Kean was introduced by Pete & he in turn introduced me. Again it was a wildly enthusiastic crowd—many young people. My speech was followed by fireworks & skydivers. Then motorcaded back to Phil. & A.F.1 to Wash. Arrived on S. Lawn about 6 P.M. Quick shower & hair wash—dinner with Nancy & to bed.