Diary Entry - 11/03/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan speaks at a fundraiser luncheon for Senator Durenberger.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir begins meeting with representatives of religious and rightist parties, seeking support for a coalition government.
Went to office 10:00 A.M. First subject was about a N.Y. Times story about me—surprisingly in the Times. Then K. told me that I’ll be signing about 300 bills the Cong. left for me. Signed about 40 of them before the day was over. Polls in Calif. went up 3 points after my trip so—I’m going to Calif. Monday In upcoming transition I’ll have to work out a resignation plan for many of my appointees. Also, I have to submit a budget for 1990.
N.S.C.—Israeli election has left majority up to witch [which] major party the splinter party's support.
An attempted coup in the Maldives by Sri Lanka—Tamils. India has sent military to put it down. Afghanistan—Soviets threaten to suspend withdrawal if the Mujahadeen dont halt their attacks. In Geneva no breakthrough on Krasnoyarsk Radar which we see as breach of A.B.M. treaty. [. . .] Soviets are producing a new SS18 missile more powerful than present model. A little desk time then over to the J. W. Marriott hotel—a fund raiser for Sen. Durenberger. The usual photo & receiving line for major donors—then into luncheon which I didn’t eat—I was a before luncheon speaker. Well received. Back to W.H. for a 12:30 lunch alone in study.
At 1:30—Dick Wirthlins new figures—our polls are up all along the line. Then Geo. Shultz meeting—no startling news—some about Afghanistan etc. Haircut at 3 P.M., then a visit & photos with Courtney Trissler (our Ranch Foreman) & his two daughters. Bob Tuttle & some appointments—my sneeze shot & a taping in the Library. Upstairs—some desk time & Nancy arrived. Merme is also here. Dinner & bed.