Diary Entry - 11/02/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses a fundraiser for Susan Engeleiter who is running for U.S. Senate in Milwaukee, WI.
President Reagan attends a Ohio Victory '88 Rally in Berea, OH.
Ken & Colin came by at 10:15—just a brief few words about schedule etc. Then at 10:30 A.M. down stairs to join Susan & the Ballroom where about 900 were gathered for a Brunch. I spoke before Brunch & was very well received. Sen. Bob Kasten & Gov. Tommy Thompson both present. Then to another room for receiving line & photos—about 100 major donors.
Then out to Air Base & onto A.F.1 & off to Ohio for fundraiser for Sen. Cand. Voinovich (Mayor-Cleveland). Overnight in the hotel in Milwaukee but ended the day at Baldwin-Wallace U. in Berea (suburb of Cleveland). Some 6000 people—half U. students, several high school bands & again a most enthusiastic crowd. The usual receiving line & photos & then literally across the street where Cleveland Browns football team was practicing. Threw a couple of passes for the cameras. Then A.F.1 & on our way to Wash. Arrived Andrews A.F.B. at 5:20. A lot of staff awaiting us on S. Lawn at 5:30. Showered—dinner at 7 P.M. & so to bed.