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Diary Entry - 11/01/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a Bush/Quayle Rally at California State University at Fullerton, CA.

  • President Reagan attends a Senator Chic Hecht Rally in Reno, Nevada.

  • Israeli voters elect right-wing Likud bloc, requiring the creation of a coalition government.

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Up early. I had to leave at 9:10 for Marine 1 at Santa Monica Airport. Then I was off—Nancy is staying in L.A. a couple of more days working at the house. We helicoptered (not Nancy) to Calif. State U. at Fullerton—only a 15 min. flight. In the gym there—a crowd of about 12,000—many students. Gov. Deukmejian on hand. Dr. Jewel Cobb introduced me. Speech well received. In fact,audience was most enthusiastic. I had fun because a little group (very small) way at one end of the gym put up a howl every once in awhile for Dukakis. I responded a couple of times to the crowd’s delight.

Student Pres. gave me a Fullerton Jersey. Then we went to another room for receiving line & photos of special guests etc.

About 5000 heard the speech outside at the landing zone. I took a mike & spoke to them very briefly before we took off. Then it was off to Norton A.F.B. From there a 10 min. ride by auto to Nat. Orange Show Stadium—about 16,000 present & another 5000 hearing speech at another location. Before going to dais, S.S. hung a bullet proof vest on me. This was a wildly successful appearance with several candidates in attendance. Back to Norton & on to A.F.1 & off to Reno for airport rally for Sen. Chick Hecht. This too was a rousing rally—even a trained elephant on hand. After speech Chick & his wife Gail joined me at a room on the Air Base—again for photos & receiving line. Then it was back to A.F.1 & on way to Milwaukee. Paul Laxalt is on board with us. Into Milwaukee about 10:30 & motored to Hyatt Regency Hotel. Our cand. for U.S. Sen. Susan Engeleiter met me at the plane. She’s trailing a few points in the polls. Her opponent—owner of Mil. Basket Ball Team has poured $4 mil. of his own money into the race. I hope my trip can help some. At the hotel—went right to bed.

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