Diary Entry - 11/01/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan receives word of a Soviet soldier who has defected to the American Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.
President Reagan meets with Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.
Well the Goblins didn’t get us but we have another Soviet defector case. In Kabul—our embassy—there is a deserter from the Soviet mil. asking asylum. Our embassy is surrounded by Afghan & Soviet military. We have refused to turn him over to them. Our problem is that we have no way to get him out of the country. The minute he steps out of the embassy he can be seized. He’s only safe as long as he is in U.S. territory which is what the embassy is.
Met with Cap W. The bad news is that we have no choice but to go with the French communications system for our military. They are competing with the English. I wanted the Eng. to win but the cost difference is such we cannot justify awarding them the contract.
Then it was off to Bethesda Hosp. for another check up before going to Camp D. Results were the same—A OK—100%.