Diary Entry - 11/02/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on arms control and reduction negotiations.
President Reagan calls former President Richard Nixon to discuss the arms negotiations.
A good ride under gray & threatening skies. Nancy didn’t go, her cold is still hanging on. Our defector in Kabul cant make up his mind. He’s 19 yrs. old. The Soviet Ambas. visited him in our embassy and gave him a fatherly pitch as to how he could go back to Russia—no punishment etc. Now the lad wants to see him again. That will take place about 11 P.M. Sun. our time. We in turn have offered him asylum here in the U.S. (on my orders).
Over the weekend I called Nixon & Ford to get any suggestions they might have on the summit. Dick had a h--l of a good idea on the arms negotiations. We probably wont have them settled by the time the summit ends. His suggestion is that we state what we have agreed on, that we will continue negotiating on the other points & as a token of our resolve to achieve results we each take 1000 missiles out of the silos & store them for a set time. If we cant come to a reduction agreement we put them back in the silos. Back to the W.H.