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Diary Entry - 10/31/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 10-31-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the Kansas City Royals baseball team, winner of the 1985 World Series.

  • President Reagan gives an interview to 4 Soviet journalists from Tass, Novosti, Pravda, and Izvestia.

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Pres. Duarte (El Salvador) & his daughter—the kidnap victim came by. She is a charming young lady. He has a few speaking dates while here & he is lacing into the Sandinistas. The World Series Champs the K.C. Royals came for a Rose Garden ceremony. I wound up with a cap, a bat & a warm up jacket.

After lunch—during which I phoned King Hussein to encourage him about our arms deal—I did an hours briefing for an interview with 4 Soviet journalists—from Tass, Novosti, Pravda & Izvestia. I wonder if they’ll print my answers as I gave them? If not I have a tape which U.S.I.A. can use to expose them.

A short session with Ambas. Charles Price. I’m afraid our friend Margaret is in some pol. trouble. The U.K. economy just isn’t picking up & of course they jump on her.

I sneaked upstairs for a meeting with Chmn. Rostenkowski of the House Ways & Means Comm. He’s really on the edge. He’s been working like a dog to get our Tax Reform thru committee. He’s being opposed by everyone who has been bought by a special interest & that includes 9 Repubs. He wanted to assure me he was really trying & wanted to get it for me. I assured him I knew what he was doing & was grateful.

Then back over to the W.H. to say goodbye to Max F. who is going to Bermuda to be Ambas. We’ll sure miss him.

The new Head of the Am. Legion came by. Then some tapings for the Navy League dinner, a Tribute to Jack Gavin by the Ireland fund and another one I cant—oh yes it was the “Public Relations Society of Am.”

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