Diary Entry - 10/30/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with 37 elected officials who recently switched from the Democratic to the Republican party.
President Reagan meets with former Secretary of the Interior William Clark to discuss Mr. Clark's recent meeting with the President of Taiwan Chiang Ching-kuo.
Bill Clark came in with a report (& a gift) on meeting with Pres. Chiang Ching Kuo of Taiwan. Our relations there are still solid & strong.
We had a meeting & I gave a “go ahead” on our arms proposal in reply to the Soviets Counter proposal.
George B. & I had lunch & then went down to the W.H. Mess to cut a cake with Ron Jackson who runs the mess. It is his 20th anniversary in the job.
In the Roosevelt room I met with 37 new Republicans—all elected officials who have left the Dem. party. Met with George S. & Bud—on plans for their trip to Moscow ahead of the summit.
Then on to the Nat. Gallery of Art to have an advance look at the art treasures loaned to us by Eng.—all are from the great homes of Eng. It was a truly magnificent display of art, furniture & silver.