Diary Entry - 10/30/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the wife of one of the American hostages in Lebanon, Mrs. Jean Sutherland.
President Reagan signs H.R. 4350, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, into law.
Early met with a most remarkable woman—Mrs. Jean Sutherland. Her husband is a hostage in Lebanon. She is a very strong person and wanted me to know she is involved in a move to free her husband—could not tell me details as I could not with regard to our ongoing efforts. As she put it she & her husband have put their lives on the line.
Then I went downstairs & signed a bill—the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act—HR 4350—very important to Colorado. For one thing it marks the 1st Colorado stream to be classed as a wild river & preserved as such.
Then to the World Arena for another rally—this one for Sen. Cand. Ken Kramer. It was the usual enthusiastic reception with interruptions almost every sentence. Back to the suite for a Q&A with major donors. Then a 2 hr. & 20 min. flight to Reno Nev.—flew low over Air Force Acad.—Cadets out on grounds to wave us over.
In Reno the event was at U. of Nevada-Reno for Sen. cand. Jim Santini—a convert to our party—switched while he was a Cong.man. Paul Laxalt introduced him and he introduced me. Again wild enthusiasm, and then it was on to Spokane Wash. for overnight.