Diary Entry - 10/29/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses a crowd of people at a rally for Rick McIntyre's bid for Congress in Evansville, IN.
President Reagan is presented with a Jackalope head by Senator Jim Abdnor.
Off for Evansville Ind. for Rick McIntyre seeking Congress seat he was elected to 2 yrs. ago which was stolen from him by the Dem. Ldrshp. in the House who ruled in favor of his opponent even though the St. of Ind. had declared Rick the winner. My hope is that I can reawaken the peoples anger at this trampling on States Rights.
A big crowd on S. Lawn to see me off. On arrival met by Rick & his wife plus Ind. Sens. & others. The first of what was to be the routine for all the stops on this trip—crowds along the highway & streets—multiple signs of approval & of course always a little cluster of hostiles along the way. Sometimes their beef was aid to Contras—sometimes S.D.I. & now then a splinter group on some other subject but also a lot asking that I run again in ’88 which of course I cant do. The rally was in a Municipal Stadium—jammed to the roof with thousands of wildly enthusiastic people including a great many young people—high school age & college age. Following the rally a brief Q&A with major donors then back to the airport & off to Rapid City S. Dak. This one for Sen. Jim Abdnor. The same routine, this time in the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center—4 high school bands & the same crowd mix of adults & young people. After my speech he (Jim) presented me with a mounted Jackalope head. I thought that was a purely Texas thing, but not so. Another pvt. donor Q&A & back to the plane. Then on to Colorado Springs & Peterson A.F. Base. Overnight & do a rally in the morning.