Diary Entry - 10/28/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a political rally in Columbus, Georgia for Senator Mack Matingly's campaign.
President Reagan receives word that the Reagan's long-time friend Bob Arthur has passed away.
A one day marathon. Off at 9 A.M. to Columbus Ga. for Sen. Mack Mattinglys campaign. A huge crowd in an arena—but 1st a stop at the Fine Arts bldg. to sign a new veterans bill. Audience—members of veterans organizations & a group of congressmen. Then onto the arena. On our way next to Birmingham Ala. for Jerry Dentons Sen. race—13,500 people & lots of young ones. Tremendous enthusiasm. I also plugged for Guy Hunt—Gov. cand. Then onto N.C. for Jim Broyhill—this time an airport rally & again great enthusiasm. After each appearance I met with 20 or so big donors & did a Q&A. I enjoyed them. Then back to Wash. for dinner. On the way learned our long time, dear friend Bob Arthur had died.