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Diary Entry - 09/22/1986

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady leave Washington for New York.

  • President Reagan addresses the 41st Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

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On this 1st day of Fall went to N.Y. to address the U.N. Gen. Assembly. Left South Lawn at 9 A.M. Marine 1. Then from Andrews to Newark A.F.1. The usual crowds in N.Y.—met by Mayor Koch who told me everything I was doing was right. At U.N. a brief meeting with King Juan Carlos & Queen Sophia of Spain. Then a meeting with Gen. Sec. & Pres. of Gen. Assembly. It was a frank discussion of our problems with the Soviets as well as the regional hot spots, Afghanistan, Angola, Ethiopia, Nicaragua etc. I had expected some delegations to walk out but no one did. In fact I got a pretty good hand. Lunch at the Am. Mission with Dick Walters, Geo. Shultz, Don Regan then a meeting with our European & Japanese Allies—the Foreign Ministers—add Canada & Australia. We briefed them on the Shevardnadze meetings. Then I met briefly with Lord Carrington.—N.A.T.O. head and we were on our way back to Wash.—arrived at 3 P.M. Did some T.V. footage with our Repub. Cands. for Gov.—Wyoming & Alaska.

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