Diary Entry - 09/22/1986

Key Facts
The President and First Lady leave Washington for New York.
President Reagan addresses the 41st Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
On this 1st day of Fall went to N.Y. to address the U.N. Gen. Assembly. Left South Lawn at 9 A.M. Marine 1. Then from Andrews to Newark A.F.1. The usual crowds in N.Y.—met by Mayor Koch who told me everything I was doing was right. At U.N. a brief meeting with King Juan Carlos & Queen Sophia of Spain. Then a meeting with Gen. Sec. & Pres. of Gen. Assembly. It was a frank discussion of our problems with the Soviets as well as the regional hot spots, Afghanistan, Angola, Ethiopia, Nicaragua etc. I had expected some delegations to walk out but no one did. In fact I got a pretty good hand. Lunch at the Am. Mission with Dick Walters, Geo. Shultz, Don Regan then a meeting with our European & Japanese Allies—the Foreign Ministers—add Canada & Australia. We briefed them on the Shevardnadze meetings. Then I met briefly with Lord Carrington.—N.A.T.O. head and we were on our way back to Wash.—arrived at 3 P.M. Did some T.V. footage with our Repub. Cands. for Gov.—Wyoming & Alaska.